Funko Event Pages

My role on this project was as lead designer, working closely with a developer. I was also responsible for project management, copywriting and content management.

  • The Ask

    Design a landing page to support company initiatives related to an event.

  • The Goal

    Provide a centeral location for fans to go and get updated news related to the company during the event.

  • The Plan

    To work within the limitations of the hosting platform and resource challenges, make the sections into individual pages and simple to edit as they would need to be manually updated.

responsive devices

Event Pages Functionality

Wireframes showing the different sections of the event site, with functionality designed for use cases specific to each.

Wireframes 01

Wireframes 02

Wireframes 03

Pop! Yourself Campaign Page

My role was as lead designer, working closely with a developer. I was also responsible for project management, copywriting, content management and video editing.

  • The Ask

    Create a landing page to promote the features of Pop! Yourself.

  • The Goal

    Show fans how fun Pop! Yourself can be, and encourage them to make and share their avatar creations.

  • The Plan

    Use the Social Media team who are familiar to the fans, to help explain the concept of Pop! Yourself, coupled with examples of randomized avatars.

responsive devices

Animated Prototype

Rough, quick animation prototype to show the developer how the header is supposed to animate.

Animation Cocnept

Video Promo for Facebook

I animated and edited the video promo in After Effects, for the Social Media Team to post to Facebook.

Wetmore Forest Campaign Pages

My role was as lead designer, working closely with a developer. I was also responsible for project management, copywriting and content management.

  • The Ask

    Create a landing page first to announce Wetmore Forest and then to provide information about the line of products.

  • The Goal

    Generate excitement for the product line at launch and then provide a place for fans to find out more information about the characters and available products.

  • The Plan

    Draw attention to the new product line by utilizing character corner stickies and launch countdown page. Post-launch, consolidate information to a single page linking out to purchase paths.

responsive devices

Wetmore Forest Launch Concept

Wireframes used to show the corner sticky concept, the countdown page and the launch page.

Wireframes 01

Wireframes 02

Wireframes 03

Quidd Campaign Page

My role was as lead designer, working closely with a developer. I was also responsible for project management, copywriting, video editing and content management.

  • The Ask

    Create a landing page for digital Funko products on Quidd.

  • The Goal

    Have a landing page for promotional efforts to point to, where fans can find out what Quidd is, and how it is related to Funko products.

  • The Plan

    Since users can not take any action on desktop, it would just provide information. On mobile, users can click through to download the app, or go directly to the app and land in the correct channel.

responsive devices

Quidd Campaign Page Concepts

Wireframe used to plan out the design and content of the page.

Wireframes 01

Desktop comp of the Quidd page. I created the videos by screen recording interactions of the app on my phone, then editing them in After Effects down to short loops.
