
My role on this project during phase one was as lead designer, working closely with a developer.

  • The Ask

    Re-design the carousel feature to inject an element of "suprirse and delight".

  • The Goal

    Support the display of multiple marketing promotions while functioning like a playful interactive piece.

  • Wii U Slider

    The Winning Concept

    An accordian display with peek-a-boo blades that would expand to give viewers a teasing glimpse of the next promo, which expand and animate in when selected.

responsive devices

Peek-a-Boo Interaction

Wireframes showing the peek-a-boo interaction on desktop and mobile version of the carousel feature.

Wireframes 01

Things learned from Phase 01 of the Nintendo Carousel Project

Successes of the Design

1. Analytics showed an over-all increase in interaction with the new carousel feature.
2. Stakeholders were especially pleased with the peek-a-boo function

Challenges of the Design

1. Due to the nature of the accordian space shrinking on hover interactions, it was challenging to design promo layouts for.
2. There was no auto-play function of this carousel. Users had to manually cycle through each promo.
3. Due to the way the carousel was built, creating new promos took extra time for designers and developers to build.

Phase 02 Carousel Design

My role during phase two was to continue as lead designer, working closely with a developer.

  • The Ask

    Take the lessons learned from phase one and re-design the carousel feature to address the challenges.

  • The Goal

    Incorporate auto-play functionality in this version of the carousel, maintain surprise and delight while increasing support for creative layouts and decreasing design and build time.

  • 3ds

    The Winning Concept

    A responsive carousel that utilizes the entire header space as a canvas for each promo to be animated.

responsive devices

Things learned from Phase 02 of the Nintendo Carousel Project

Successes of the Design

1. Analytics showed an increase in interaction with the new carousel feature, and click-through to the second and third tabs.
2. The new carousel feature allowed designers to have more freedom in the layout of each promo.
3. Developers reported a decrease in time spent building each promo.

Challenges of the Design

1. Stakeholders missed the surprise and delight of the peek-a-boo feature of the previous carousel.
2. Stakeholders also missed the incorporation of a character as a sneak peak of each promo slide.

Phase 03 Carousel Design

My role during phase three was to continue as lead designer, working closely with a developer.

  • The Ask

    Take the lessons learned from phase two and improve the carousel feature.

  • The Goal

    Re-introduce a character driven surprise and delight element to the carousel feature.

  • Zelda

    The Winning Concept

    Adding character art to the tabs of the existing carousel, with the character "popping out" on hover and selected states for desktop.

responsive devices

If there had been one more phase to this project...

Challenges of the phase three carousel

1. Although we introduced the character focus back into the desktop version of the carousel, we were unable to do the same for mobile.
2. Depending on the keyart provided, it was difficult to make a smooth transition to a solid color on the sides to fake a seamless background.

Enhancements I would have explored next

1. Since the main purpose of the marketing promotions were to showcase upcoming, newly released or featured games, having the ability to use a short video clip in the background of the carousel slides would have added a more compelling element.
2. Instead of having the pagination dots on mobile, I would have wanted to explore incorporating a smaller scale version of the character art.